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Hoover Intergenerational Care, Inc. (HIC) is an intergenerational educational center that serves the Los Angeles area. HIC also employs senior citizens and volunteers among other age groups in a pre-school environment.


This program was developed to assist the working parent by providing their children with a quality program.


The program recognizes the importance of early child education and development. HIC encourages positive attitudes toward learning, self-awareness and motivation.


The program strives to provide quality education, encouraging introduction to school, and the learning process.  The staff works on developing children’s perception, thinking and language skills in a group setting.  It allows interaction between children, and play activities. The teachers assist each child in adjusting to transitioning to Kindergarten.  Teachers help the children develop individuality and independence. The former is accomplished through classroom learning centers that provide individualized instruction in small groups or on an individual basis.



Incorporated: November 1976


License #191802038

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Faith E Saunders, Executive Director

Board of Directors

Levi Kingston


Interim Chair 

Richard Foos


Ann Hudson


George Wong

Financial Officer    

Delia Wilson-Johnson

Training & Hiring Committee    

Charlotte Allen

Training & Hiring Committee    

Lin Zhan



Daniel Venegas

Board Member 




Pre-School: 3-5 years




H.I.C. admits children of any race, color, physical handicap, religion or national/ethnic origin, and does not discriminate in the administration of its admissions policies or educational programs.  


Programs are provided without religious instruction or worship.


Teachers’ qualifications meet the requirements of Title 5 of the Education Code. (A teacher’s permit issued by the Commission on Teacher Credentials). The staff consist of  Certified Teachers, some of which are senior citizens. The volunteer staff consists of parents, senior citizens and University students. On-going in-service training is provided for all staff. There is a 1:8 adult-to-child ratio.


The center serves daily to each enrolled child a modified family style breakfast, hot lunch and p.m. snack. The Center sponsors, through the State Childcare Food Program, free and reduced price meals. In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs). To file a complaint of discrimination, write ESDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Washington DC 20250-9410 or call (202)720-5964 (voice and TDD) USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.



The children participate in a daily rest time after lunch. Time is allocated for the child to sleep or just have quiet time. Please supply your child with a small blanket, sheet, or quilt.  An extra set of clothing will be appreciated in case your child has an accident.



Enrollment is open to all families seeking childcare. Eligibility in this CSPP Program will be for 12 months.



Fees are established by the State Department of Education, and are set according to monthly gross income and number of family members (Proof of Family income required).  See office staff for prioritized waiting list requirements.

After income verification and number of family members have been established, a fee may or may not be charged to state subsidized families.  To be eligible for subsidy, each family must meet at least one of the following requirements:


   * Protective Service Referrals 

   * Both parents working

   * Single parent working

   * Parent engaged in vocational

   * Parent incapacitated

   * Parent seeking employment



7:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Monday through Friday year round


The Center will be closed on the following holidays


New Year’s Day
Veterans Day

Martin Luther King’s Birthday           Labor Day

Thanksgiving Day and day after Thanksgiving 

Christmas Eve close at noon 

Memorial Day


Christmas Day

Independence Day


(Holidays falling on Saturday will be observed on Friday;

Sunday holidays will be observed on Monday.


Note: The center closes early for staff development days.


The child care program takes advantage of the enriched community resources which include: The University of Southern California, 32nd Street U.S.C. Magnet School, The Shriners’ Circus, University Cinema, Museums in Exposition Park, i.e., Afro American Museum, The California Science Center (Summer Science Workshop), Natural History Museum, USC Sports Camp, Hoover Park, etc.



An assessment will be given each child after 60 days of enrollment to determine his/her areas of developmental strengths and weaknesses.  Within this sixty-day period, each child will be observed for special needs (e.g., aggressive or abnormal behavior, endangering others and self , speech, hearing, and dental problems). Parents whose child is suspected of medical, dental, speech, or abnormal behavior will be referred to low-cost social services agencies for assistance. If parent does not follow through with HIC’s and referral agency’s recommendation, termination of childcare services may result due to potential lack of accommodations.



Parent participation is welcomed.


Parent conferences are held twice per fiscal year to discuss child’s progress.



H.I.C. welcomes parent/guardians to visit the school. Upon presentation of identification, you have the right to enter and inspect H.I.C.’s facility without advance notice.



H.I.C. refrains from religious instruction or policy.

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